
Urban Farm Hands

This summer we are digging into Magic City soil, planting seeds of inquiry. Interning at Jones Valley Urban Farm, just a few blocks into the heart of Birmingham from our home, we are laboring to learn. Where does our food come from? What kind of work does it take to produce it? What does a potato look like at all the other stages of it's plant-life? How do you eat a turnip?

The framework of our inquiry is a goal: to learn more about farming and sustainable agriculture and to eat only regional meat and produce when at all possible.

We'll dissect the goal more later.

In the meantime, if your curiosity is sparked along with ours, join us in our delving, and share your thoughts, recipes, questions, and words as well!


  1. I'm excited to read what you share. I must admit, Beth is much more into this than I am. More disciplined, at least. Can't wait to see what you learn. Thanks for sharing.

  2. elaine-
    this is great! my husband and i have bought a share of a CSA and we'll soon be wondering the same things about turnips. can't wait to read about your journey.
    lindsay (scott) thompson
