
Summer Update

Hey folks, I guess I'm sorry about the lack of updating. I've realized that the more rich and involved my actual real-life experience is, the less motivated I am to blog about it.  As seen in my failures of trying to blog about the school year as well. Kind of counterintuitive I guess, and I could go more into detail about my ponderings on the subject, but I wont.

 It really has been an amazing summer. The work in the fields of caring for the land, which in turn cares for us by producing food, is really satisfying. I've also been given some really cool opportunities developing curriculum for the Seed 2 Plate program that is currently used to teach kids that come on the farm through school and camp field trips. Keith has been working hard and learning a lot all summer, and he is now managing the construction of the Jones Valley Children's Garden, which is right on the downtown site. And of course, our mouths and bellies have been full of delicious, hearty, and healthy offerings from the farm.

Here is a summary in pictures:
Sarah and Keith of our Mt. Laurel site harvesting potatoes.

A farm-intern field trip to the Jefferson Co. Farmer's Market reveals that the produce is not so fresh or local. 

Farm-intern field trip part 2 takes us to J3Organics to check out their amazing dirt.

Robin smelling the pure worm castings at J3Organics.

We also took a little field trip to Pleasant Valley Farm in Argyle, New York while we were up visiting my grandmother and family. It was a really inspirational experience, and a beautiful farm.

Farmer Paul, of Pleasant Valley Farm, takes quite a while out of his demanding day to talk to us about the business of organic farming. Thanks Paul!

My counter-top compost bucket. Works like a charm. (It has a lid that is not pictured.)

And a handsome man I happen to know ended up on the front page of the Birmingham News for an article featuring Jones Valley.

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